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PCOS explained: what happens in your body when you don't ovulate

PCOS explained: what happens in your body when you don't ovulate

So you’ve been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Confused? I was. You may have been told it’s about cysts, excess male hormones or lack of ovulation. All you really know is that something is not right. It might be showing up for you as acne that persists well beyond your teenage years, excess hair on you belly, chin and upper lip, irregular periods, weight gain, or maybe you’ve finally decided it’s time to have a baby and the pregnancy test is negative time after time...

How to Recognise PCOS

How to Recognise PCOS

Got acne? Irregular periods? Excess hair growth? Trouble conceiving? Scalp hair loss? You might have polycystic ovarian syndrome.  Read on to find out...